Garmin connect : Always find your way back

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My boyfriend went to germany for his higher studies. It had been months since I have seen him. So he gave me a surprise and sent a ticket of germany for me to visit.
I was overjoyed on this gesture. So i packed my bags and went to germany to visit my boyfriend. When i reached germany my boyfriend was at the airport to receive me. 

We went to his rented house , which was so beautiful. My boyfriend told me that since I am a fitness freak there are a lot of trekking tracks near the house and I can explore that when he will be attending his lectures.

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Garmin Connect

So, the next day when my boyfriend left for college , I put on my sport shoes and thought of exploring the city. 
The city was so beautiful that I kept on going that I lost track of time and kept on walking, and when I feel tired I realized that it's been a long while and I am very far away from home, and then a sudden realization occurred to me that I don't know my way back home.
 I was so lost in the beauty of the city that I actually got lost in the city. I got scared and I checked my backpack and saw that my boyfriend has put a Garmin device in my hiking bag written on it was a note saying “just in case you get lost use this”.
 It was a device that connected with my mobile through Garmin connect. Once I logged in with the Garmin connect mobile i was able to trace my steps back to my boyfriend's house, where he was waiting for me. I told him about me being lost in the city and he told me that when he first came to germany he did to and then one of his german friend recommended him this device that easily gets connected to phone and by using Garmin connect express, he never got lost in the city again.


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